Thursday, November 18, 2010

The not so cool 3-0!

For my actual birthday I decided to go to a KT Tunstall concert.  I have been watching her tour schedule for years, seriously!  What luck that she performs on my birthday.  I think she is a super cute, cool rock star.  One of those people that you might think that you are cooler because you listen to her and have all of her albums (or digital files).  I mean she plays some pretty kick ass songs like 'Sill a Weirdo' and 'Gone to the Dogs.'  Okay so those are not the best titles but hey I like her.  She is European so does not spend that much time touring in the states so I was thrilled I would be able to see her.  Here is a link to her webpage in case you are not hip enough to know who she is.  As we were headed to the concert I looked up the address to make sure we would take the shortest route.  Her webpage said the concert was rescheduled.  Upon further inspection she was scheduled to play at a smaller venue.  She went from the Warfield to some ballroom.  Hmmm...I guess these were not the sought after tickets that I had thought they were.  But she has a new CD out and it is getting played on all of the best stations.  Still excited we got to the venue.  I ran in to make sure our tickets transferred fine since we were will call.  Then we headed to get some drinks before the show. 

About 40 minutes before it started we headed to the venue.  The line of people was discouraging.  I mean I don't mean to be judgmental but where were all the cool people?  Where were the trendy clothes and the youth of the city.  We were in SF and in reality it is difficult to get such a badly dressed group of people together.  But here we were joining them in line.

We got in and it is a super small venue.  The opening act was terrible.  But then cute KT comes out.  She was great.  Started off with so much energy.  But there was this guy in front of me with his iphone.  For some reason he needed to record this whole event.  This always annoys me.  Even with still photography, which is my thing right?  People need to enjoy the moment.  Will he enjoy the concert as much when he sits and watches it at home.  No!  And he would enjoy the moment more now if he gave his arm a break and stopped holding up his damn phone that is blocking my view.  This makes me feel older.  I guess this is the digital age and I should not be any more annoyed at him than I was at the guy at the Jack Johnson concert that was facebooking about being there.  But they both drive me nuts.  Just be here.  Be present and enjoy right now.  Argh! But as I said KT was great.  Everything I expected.  I was getting tired though.  An early 9:00 and I am getting tired.  This is partially because I forgot (age related??) to take my energy drink before I left the car.  Actually we bought energy drinks and forgot them at home.  Bought new ones at the gas station and then forgot to grab them before leaving the car.  But remember the concert is great!  Then KT says that she will forever love San Francisco because KFOG was the first station to play her song in the states. What!?! KFOG!!!  KFOG is a terrible station.  It is the station my friends parents listened to when I was in high school.  My high school math teacher had a KFOG "Foghead" bumper sticker on his podium.  And worst of all I find myself listening to KFOG all the time lately.  Sometimes they are the only good station.  It is one of those markers.  I always thought of it as the old peoples station and now it is programmed into my car radio.  That is how it ended.  On a KFOG note just to rub it in that I am actually getting older.  Whatever, I had a great time at the concert.  I still think she is a rock star and like her even more after seeing her live.  And I loved that it was at a small venue.


  1. You are a Scorpio [scorpio horoscope ] and you are so blessed and lucky to have amazing and wonderful people around you and being able to spend your very special day with them. Thats the most important above all!

  2. forget about the is for living! glad you celebrated well.
