Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finishing Up

My mom came back on Sunday and helped us finish up - at least finish up for the weekend.  We touched up paint, pained the bookshelf, tore up carpet...

Master bedroom carpet removal

Here are some before and afters

Master Bedroom


 Samara taking it easy in a freshly painted hallway

Living Room

The first BI MONTHLY work day

Just kidding, maybe annual work day.

The line up

My Mom - mom
My Brother and Sister in Law - Jeff and Madeline
Ryan's Mom - Kami
Ryan's Brother - Eric
Ryan and Me
A surprise appearance by Ryan's Uncle - Den

The goal of the day was to paint and clean.  A lot of work got done!

Ryan's uncle came up to look at the well and he gave Ryan a bit of info on the lay of the land
Possibly in this image Den is telling Ryan how to make the pond not look like a dirty puddle surrounded by rocks.

While Dennis was doing well work and telling Ryan secrets about how to care for this land, Eric worked on the trench.  No trench digger - he just dug for a while.  Everyone else was painting inside.
Everyone had a room to work on
Eric painting in the kitchen

My mom in the master bedroom.  LOOK AT HOW FAST SHE IS!!!

Me again on the cabinets - slow moving because I was answering questions for others

Samara on a throw away mattress - Doing great at her job to stay out of the way

Jeff and Madeline in the living room - being quite speedy

Dennis paying close attention to detail as he paints the trim.  LOVED his attention to detail

Eric in the hallway - painting the walls with ceiling paint or repainting it with the proper color.

My mom and Kami in the master bedroom

Monday, September 6, 2010

Trench Digging

We need a new line of electricity to run from the house to the well pump.  So the boys got to dig a trench.  They rented a trench digger and got to work. 

This thing was huge and intimidating for me.  Thankfully I got to paint cabinets for the day.
Ryan and his dad worked on this for hours.  Then as I was leaving his uncle came up to help.  This was a bigger job than we thought.  That huge trench digger was stopped by every little root and rock that they ran into.

This picture shows it going okay, but before long Rod was in front of the trench digger with a pick trying to clear the way for the monster. 

After working literally all day on this they were not able to finish.  So there will be a trench digging day part II

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Way too many 'It's not that bad'

I got a lot of responses from people telling me that maybe I was exaggerating on how bad the place looked.  I am not.  Ryan and I both thought that the pictures glossed over a lot of the dirtiness that embody this place.  So here it is...the whole dirty truth

Toilet and shower are stained stained stained.  These images are after I have cleaned them :)
This is the laundry room.  Moldy, rotting wood
Our romantic new master bedroom.  Dust stuck to the walls, stained carpet
If you used a light switch for years without wiping it down - this is what you would get
Work area attached to garage
We are trying to help the spiders relocate.
Ceiling showing leaks
Full vacuum after vacuuming just one room
Dead mouse in the fish tank, YUCK